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Launching Sukha Living Feng Shui

Setting Intentions

About this time a year ago, I created Sukha Living Studio. One of my intentions for the practice was to help and connect with people through the things I love to do. Like I always say, set your intention, send it out to the universe, and your energies will follow. Now 12 months later, I am ready to introduce Feng Shui to my practice and my offering to you.

Feng Shui as A Way of Life

Just as Yoga has a profound influence on my life through my ups and downs, feng shui’s imprint on my life journey dates back even further. It’s both an ancient art and a precise scientific method that requires an open mind. As Feng Shui Master Jampa Ludrup like to say: You don’t have to believe in it in order for it to work!

It works. I urge you to try it and reap the benefits in many areas of your life. I know that many of you are skeptical, and rightly so, but in the end, as they say, “Seeing is Believing”.

- Feng Shui: Seeing Is Believing by Jampa Ladrup

So be open minded about it. For thousands of years, the Chinese have studied the subtle environmental influences that affect us. Classical Feng Shui is a highly sophisticated system that help us deal with subtle energies in such a way that good fortune is encouraged to ripen while bad fortune can be avoided. It’s vibrantly embraced in Asia, especially in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia, and in recent years, its popularity has spread globally and to the U.S. This article “Ancient art of ‘feng shui’ is being used to sell lexury real estate” in the September 2015 issue of Fortune talks about how more and more Western companies, businesses and individuals are incorporating Feng Shui into their everyday affairs.

Visit my New Website!

So here I am, ready to share my gift of Feng Shui with you. Both Feng Shui and Yoga are deeply connected. Through both, I am here to help you tap the energetic potentials of your own living space, time, body and mind to create the kind of living you want and aspire to. And sign up for my Sukha Living eNewsletter for fun tips and news that you can use to change your life.

Find out more for yourself. Visit my new website:


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