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Top 5 Feng Shui Tips for Love

Yesterday my husband surprised me with this beautiful bouquet of roses. It’s in my favorite fuchsia pink – the color of my wedding bouquet when we married 18 years ago – and he remembers. He is taking our son for a scout camp this weekend in freezing minus temperature up in Maine. He realized he would be gone on Valentine’s Day so he came home earlier from work with the bouquet. My heart wells up with love and the warmth in my heart radiates out to every cell, organ and bone in my body. To me this is what good feng shui is about.

Over our past 18 years, we have shared tons of joy and happiness building our love nest of four with our two children. Together as a family, we have also faced life challenges of the most threatening kind. Like every other couple, my husband and I had our fair share of ups and downs in our relationship. But we stuck together and made it through tough and good times. The home is where we go back to every day. It’s where we rest, nurture and grow. When the energy of your home exudes love, understanding, tolerance and tenacity, the children absorbs these vibes and the qualities will shape their own lives. Everyone benefits.

So how do you cultivate good feng shui? It’s very similar to cultivating any good relationship. Good relationships require an investment of your time, patience, understanding and effort. Good feng shui is a lot easier – there are so many ways you can use to activate love and relationship luck, but it does require an effort on your part to want to do it.

So here are my top 5 Feng Shui Tips for Love

Know Your Intentions - Just as I always teach in yoga class, start by tuning inwards and get in touch with your own needs. What is it that is lacking or that you aspire to have more of? Is it more romance? Has the relationship gone stale over the years? Is it more action in the bedroom? Or more harmonious relationships at home?

Activate for Love – Now that you know what you’re looking for, you can find and activate the appropriate areas of your home for love luck. In 2016, the West sector is host to the Romance Star. If you are single and looking to find new love, you would definitely want to take good care and activate the love chi in this part of your main living space – this could mean the West part of your house, your main living room or your bedroom. And if you’re already married, you could bring back romance into your marriage by freshening the chi in this part of your home.

Another tip is to energize the Southwest corner of your living space as this is the aspirational love corner of every home. In 2016, it’s even more important to energize this sector as the Southwest is home to the auspicious 8 star inviting prosperity and success luck. Bringing your Southwest corner to life not only works for love but will also benefit the whole family as well.

Decorate with Love and Auspicious Symbols – symbols are prevalent is almost all cultures and you already instinctively know what resonate with you. Chose what speaks to you about love and channel your intentions into your efforts. In the pictures above, you can see how I have decorated my living room (which is in the West sector) with Chinese feng shui symbols - a porcelain bowl with the Double Happiness character filled with mandarin oranges symbolizing love and auspiciousness in relationships. The pair of Mandarin Duck is a symbol of eternal love and fidelity. And the big heart shaped box of chocolate and the lovely roses from my husband add the finishing touch. Auspicious symbols exude good vibrations, and they invite good chi to visit you as well.

Take a fresh look at your bedroom – what do you see? Is it full of clutter? Clutter creates stale and stagnant chi symbolizing blockages in your life. Is this corner of the house looking tired and run-down? Does this symbolize your relationships? A fresh coat of paint will do wonders in refreshing the energy of the space. Using the 5 element feng shui method to pick the color for your bedroom can also help to enhance the chi of your space. What about your bed linens? Are they tired and worn out? Did they come with old energy from a previous relationship? Refresh your love life by investing in a beautiful set of quality linens and reserve those for you and your loved one’s use only.

Take an intimate look at your bed – not many people know or pay close attention to this, but the placement and the bed play a big part in having good feng shui in your life. Just like real estate, when it comes to the bed, it’s all about the location, location, location. There are a few critical feng shui principles to observe when it comes to placing the bed. #The best placement is when the bed is situated at the widest part of the room and the door to the room can be seen from the bed. #If the bed is placed on the same wall as the bedroom door, it can bring disagreements for the couple. #The bed should not face a bathroom, share the same wall as a toilet, or be directly opposite a door. #The bed should have a headboard or be placed against a solid wall – doing so ensure that the couple gets plenty of support. If you have no choice but to place a bed against a window, you can place a wooden screen behind the bed to simulate a wall or hang heavy drapes that can be closed at night.

Using feng shui really works if you want to increase your romance and love luck, or to attract the partner of your dreams. These are just some key tips and there are so many ways that you can improve your love luck - there are very specific things you can do to your living space, how you sleep, sit and dress as well as using incredibly powerful feng shui methods to enhance your love chi.

If you are looking for more specific advices pertaining to your own life, contact me now.

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Happy Valentines’ Day to you!

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