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What's in store for April month?

Monthly Flying Star Update (April 5 - May 6)

The most auspicious sector of the month is the Southwest - if this is your front entrance, you are in for superlative good luck. Other good luck sectors are the Southeast, South and Northwest. Be sure to energize these sectors for maximum boost to your wealth, career and relationship luck.

The sectors that are most seriously affected are the Center, Northeast and North. Read the details below for ways to suppress or control the negative chi flying your way.

Southeast 1/8

Great prosperity and money luck materializes for those staying in this part of the home! Excellent if your main door is located here. Good opportunity for career advancement and business expansion. Add a water feature and/or Chinese coins here to boost wealth potential. Decorate with objects of the 8 Auspicious Symbols to bring asset growth to household.

South 6/4

Luck here improves from last month as the stars bring good academic, literary and love luck. With the combination of heaven luck, it promises literary and publishing advancements. This sector gives good support to students preparing for important exams - study in this sector to tap into the good luck.

Southwest 8/6

Excellent improvement of luck this month. The #6 monthly star brings wealth and unexpected windfall luck. It could also bring great news about career, advancement and fame. Enhance the good fortune with crystals, wealth bowl with gold ingots and semi-precious stones. Displaying a water feature in this sector could boost income and progress in your career. It is a time when your business will expand and generate great riches. Enhance for prosperity luck with a Wealth Ship in the living room.

Northwest 3/1

The #1 monthly star brings some relief for Patriarchs and NW facing houses with auspicious luck for academic pursuits, possible travel and new prospects for career advancement. There is however danger of stress caused by legal entanglements, disagreements and trouble with the authorities. You can remedy this with a Laughing Buddha or add red and gold colors here to suppress the quarrelsome energy.

East 9/7

The annual energy of the expanding 9 star is coupled with the violent 7 star this month. This will be an unlucky month for those with East-facing houses. There is a threat of burglary and losing money. The disharmony in the elements also creates problems and fights among family members. To remedy, avoid open fires and add water to keep bad vibes under control.

West 4/2

This sector is badly afflicted by the illness star this month. If your main door is in this sector, family members, especially young females, could catch a virus or fall seriously sick. If this is your bedroom, place the wu lou here to for protection. Avoid excessive lighting in this area as this could strengthen the illness star further.

Center 2/9

The expanding star visits the centre and gives strength to the annual illness star. The combination of these two stars bring serious illnesses to those already experiencing difficulties in their health and affects the whole family. Reproductive organs and stomachs are most vulnerable this month, so do pay attention to signs of illness in these areas. Elderly and pregnant folks should avoid bedrooms in this sector and move out if possible.

Northeast 5/3

The 5/3 combination creates stress over health and financial issues for the residents of this sector as the argument star adds fuel to the annual misfortune star. There could be money troubles and disputes which all point to bad fortune and bad business luck. Loss of wealth leads to severe cash flow problems. This could lead to arguments among loved ones and siblings. It is best to keep it as quiet as possible. Avoid switching on TV's and stereos in this sector. Add metal colors and objects to help control some of the negative energies.

North 7/5

This area is seriously afflicted this month as the monthly five yellow descends bringing health and misfortune problems. Keep a Wu Lou by the bed if your bedroom is located in the north and use blue and black color linens and accents to neutralize the energies. If you live in a north-facing house, delay business negotiations, or you could get cheated this month. Be careful with personal safety and home security, as there could be a robbery. Use Yin Water to control this star combination or display a Blue Rhinoceros here.

April New Moon Wishes

Next new moon is on April 7 2016 at 7:25 am EST in the sign of Aries.

Each new moon is an opportunity to start a fresh statement of intent. Time to get out of hibernation and spring forward with fresh resolve. As Aries rules the head and face, this is a time to make wishes related to big decisions and taking charge of your life. Learn positive assertive traits and take initiative in your life - this will help you move ahead quickly.

Make your wishes about stepping out into positive change, taking action in areas of your life where you've been holding back. Be bold where you need to be -- step out in courage and faith.

Be sure to make your 10 wishes within 48 hours of the New Moon for most effective use of the timing. Click here to read about how to make your wishes for the New Moon.

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